2006: the best year of my life

I realize that you’re supposed to write a reflective post about the past year before the actual new year, but I’m just getting around to it now. I didn’t want 2006 to completely pass without noting one thing: it was the absolute best year of my life!

My fianceeI don’t say that lightly. I couldn’t be any more appreciative of what a great year 2006 was. Two years ago at this time, I was absolutely relieved that the door was closing on 2004 because it was easily the worst year of my life from a personal standpoint as I experienced a few serious tragedies in rapid succession (though work hummed along, thankfully — I think personal crisis gave me some professional focus). Fast forward two years to 2006, and things are so all-around amazing I can hardly believe it. (I say this not to gloat as much as to offer hope to those for whom 2006 was a bad year. Time does heal all wounds.)

Best of all in 2006, I got engaged to Nancy, which still blows my mind. It is truly amazing what a great woman can do for your life.

BeckSome other highlights from 2006:

It’s been a great year. To friends, family, colleagues, and others who made 2006 the year that it was, I offer a heartfelt “thank you.” Here’s wishing that 2007 will be the best year of your life.

7 thoughts on “2006: the best year of my life

  1. Hey Chad – I really enjoy reading your blog. It is great to see how well you have done and what a great year you have had. Also, Congrats on the engagement – I’ll pray that God will richly bless your future marriage.


  2. Hey Chad,
    Congrats on having such a fabulous year, especially getting hooked up with a fabulous woman. It couldn’t happen to a nicer person. šŸ™‚
    Here’s to 2007!

  3. Congrats Chad. I’m glad someone had a good 2006, because my 2006 is in the running for my worst year ever. But I do mean congrats, especially on the engagement!

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