Fieldnotes newsletter

Subscribe | Issue #1 (Jan 2018) | Issue #2 (June 2020)

I launched a newsletter — Chad Dickerson’s Fieldnotes — about business, music, books, culture, what I’ve been up to, and what I learned as a CEO and CTO (more detail in this blog post) in January 2018 (read the first issue here). Subscribe by following this link.

I had intended to write it monthly but had a rush of interesting things happened pretty much immediately that led me to sideline it. After more than 2 years, I published issue #2 in June 2020 with the headline “A long pause — and a deep, ongoing journey on race.” Read issue #2 here.

Issue #2 was still very much about business, but with a focus on what I’ve learned in the intervening years about race through some very active personal work on the topic. For issue #2, I take a quick walk through my personal journey on race and what led me to write a piece for Medium Marker about racism in business models, using Square’s business as a launching point: “Square Wants to Fight Racism. First, It Should Examine Its Own Business Model.” As the subhead says: “To effect social change, companies need to talk about money — how they make it and how it might reinforce racial disparities.” We don’t discuss how intertwined some business models are with racial disparities and it’s a critically important topic in a time where companies claim to be paying close attention to issues of race.

I suspect issue #3 will come out in less than 2 years — stay tuned!

Subscribe here.